Is CoolSculpting Painful?


You probably know by now how amazing CoolSculpting is at removing areas of fat that are typically unresponsive to changes in diet or exercise. For some people, no matter how hard they work out, run, bike or lift weights, some areas of fat will simply not budge. For people like these, CoolSculpting is a great way of eliminating fat cells so that they do not return. But if you are considering this treatment, you may have some questions before you undergo the procedure yourself.

CoolSculpting is an innovative procedure that was developed based upon the observations of two Harvard scientists. The scientists were watching children who were sucking on popsicles and noticed that they developed dimples in the areas where the popsicles came into contact with the insides of their cheeks. Their subsequent research found that the freezing temperatures of the frozen treats lead to the destruction of local areas of fat. Their discoveries were used to create the proprietary CoolSculpting treatment process that is in use today.

How CoolSculpting Works

CoolSculpting eliminates stubborn fat deposits that are resistant to exercise through the use of a special device that dramatically cools parts of the body that it comes into contact with. The CoolSculpting practitioner utilizes special paddles that transmit cold temperatures into fat placed between the paddles. These freezing temperatures destroy fat cells while leaving surrounding tissue and skin intact and completely unharmed.

After a CoolSculpting treatment, one's own body eliminates the destroyed fat cells safely and flushes them out harmlessly. Once destroyed, these fat cells never return. It is important, however, to realize that existing fat cells that are left behind can again balloon out if the treatment recipient does not act responsibly in maintaining a healthy diet and exercise. If you undergo this procedure, it is recommended that you strive to maintain a healthy weight after your treatment.

Is CoolSculpting painful?

CoolSculpting providers report that as much as 97% of their clients find that the procedure is only "slightly uncomfortable." And most discomfort is only experienced during the first few minutes of the procedure as soft tissues cool. After that point, numbness prevents any sensation in the area, and the procedure is extremely comfortable. Most clients spend their treatments watching Netflix/TV or on social media on their phones, some even take a nap! 

Fat cells destroyed by the CoolSculpting treatment process can be expected to die within three days of the procedure. At that point, your body starts processing this fat out of your body, you will begin to notice thinning in those areas. 

The important thing to keep in mind is that CoolSculpting does not involve any surgery or incisions. Most people are able to get back to their daily lives without any downtime whatsoever. No restrictions are required following a CoolSculpting treatment. Any temporary discomfort that you experience can be expected to fade, any tenderness from the suction/procedure subside over 1-2 weeks.

It is also important to realize that the numbness that you experience during and immediately after a CoolSculpting treatment is not permanent. It is simply a result of your sense of touch being temporarily lost due to the cold temperatures. Depending on the location of the procedure, the patient can expect to regain full sensation over the course of the next few days to weeks. For example, the chin may experience tingling for up to four weeks due to the number of nerves while the arm or tummy experiences no numbness within a couple of days. 

For more information on CoolSculpting and how Contour Medspa can help..

Caroline Warren