Exercise Resistant Fat


Exercise Resistant Fat: What to do about it

If you have made a firm commitment to regularly following a healthy diet plan and exercising routinely, but are still bothered by stubborn areas of body fat, you will need to find some other way of ridding yourself of this unsightly fat to slim your contours and boost your self-esteem. 

Let's take a look at exercise-resistant fat and what you can do about it.

To understand why fat becomes resistant to exercise, it is helpful to first know a little bit about how fat cells develop within the human body. In 2008, a molecular biologist from Sweden discovered that from the time that you are a baby to the time that you reach early adulthood, the number of fat cells in your body increases. But once you reach your mid-20s, the number of fat cells in your body stops increasing. From that point, you keep basically the same amount of fat cells throughout the rest of your life.

The distribution of your fat cells is mainly genetic and cannot be altered. The simple fact is that certain people have a genetic predisposition to having a higher fat cell count in certain parts of their bodies, such as the thighs, abdomen or chin. For these people, no amount of vigorous exercise will rid them of these fat deposits.

The Science of Fat

When it comes to exercise resistant fat, there are two types of fat cells: alpha and beta. The alpha type remains always present, while the beta type of fat cells have the ability to break down and provide your body with fuel for energy. When you have more alpha fat cells than beta ones, your body is more resistant to exercise. Women also have fat cells that are responsive to the estrogen hormone, helping with fat distribution during pregnancy. But the same types of fat cells can also lead to exercise-resistant fat that can last long after pregnancy.

Fat Reduction with CoolSculpting

CoolSculpting is a treatment that can slim your bodily contours by freezing fat cells so that they are eliminated from your body. Is very helpful in eliminating those stubborn areas of fat that are resistant to exercise. This treatment is safe and effective for the destruction of fat cells so that they do not return.

The CoolSculpting treatment involves the use of special paddles that are placed around pockets of fat that you wish to be removed. The extremely cold temperatures help to destroy fat cells found under the surface of your skin without damaging the skin overhead.

After you have slimmed your contours and removed exercise-resistant fat from your body, you must keep up with a good dietary plan so that you do not add weight after your procedure. Although CoolSculpting is incredibly effective in removing fat cells permanently, the ones that remain behind can still expand in size if you are not responsible with your diet. So maintain a healthy diet and stick to your current exercise regimen so that exercise-resistant fat does not return and you maintain your attractive contours for as long as possible.

For more information on CoolSculpting and how Contour Medspa can help, book an appoinment now.

Caroline Warren