Coolsculpting For Men

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CoolSculpting for Men

So you've tried everything. Paleo, Keto, intermittent fasting and every kind of exercise imaginable. Even though you look better overall, you still have those maddeningly stubborn areas of fat that just won't budge. If this describes your experience, you are far from alone. Many men find that diet and exercise are not enough to rid themselves of their beer bellies and love handles. Fortunately, a procedure called CoolSculpting provides a powerful way to remove stubborn fat pockets such as these.

CoolSculpting for men is an effective way to eliminate fat pockets nonsurgically. And it requires little to no downtime, allowing you to return to work or your daily life right away. CoolSculpting for men's belly fat is the sole procedure approved by the FDA that relies upon safe and controlled cooling to precisely target fat that is nonresponsive to changes in diet and exercise.

How does CoolSculpting for men work?

CoolSculpting is a new technology that builds upon the results of scientific research that has discovered that cooling fat cells to a certain temperature will bring about the destruction of those cells. No surgery is necessary. After the fat cells are destroyed by CoolSculpting, your body will safely remove them over time and completely flush them from your system. Once fat cells are destroyed, the process is permanent.

What areas can I have treated with CoolSculpting?

CoolSculpting is able to reduce fat pockets in areas like:

  • Love handles

  • Abs/Beer Belly

  • Flanks

  • The back area

  • Double chin

  • Upper arms

Most men use CoolSculpting to treat areas like love handles and abs. Although you may be getting enough exercise to build muscle, stubborn areas of fat can keep you from having the definition that you are looking for. So you have a core of muscle hidden by fat. CoolSculpting can effectively reduce these areas of fat to reveal those impressive muscles underneath. You can visit for a treatment to reduce love handles and abdominal fat and resume your normal activities immediately after your convenient CoolSculpting treatment. Our coolsculpting naperville and chicago teams are ready to serve you!

Caroline Warren