Benefits of Cooltone


The Benefits of CoolTone

You've probably heard of CoolSculpting, but what do you know about CoolTone? CoolSculpting was a game-changer in the field of cosmetic procedures, which allowed anyone to reduce stubborn pockets of fat without undergoing liposuction. The same company that developed CoolSculpting is now offering CoolTone for those who wish to achieve sculpted and toned abs, thighs, buttocks, and other areas without the need for strenuous exercise.

How It Works

CoolTone uses a technological breakthrough called AMP, or Active Magnetic Pulse, for firming, strengthening, and toning muscles from the outside of the body inward. CoolTone is a safe and effective treatment that the FDA has cleared. It was developed by experts in muscle science who discovered that the delivery of targeted magnetic pulses helps stimulate muscle contractions.

The muscle contractions stimulated by CoolTone help exercise treated muscles similar to intense workouts. The result is an increase in muscle mass and strength, as well as a more sculpted and toned figure.

The muscle contractions stimulated by CoolTone are actually stronger than you could achieve from voluntary muscle contractions during regular exercise. Although this may sound intense, your body will not be rushed into more than it can handle without a preparatory warm-up. The procedure is designed to warm up your muscles before toning, firming, and strengthening them.

CoolTone Benefits:

  • Painless: A CoolTone treatment feels like your muscles are strongly contracting. Most people find the treatment to be quite tolerable, although you may feel somewhat sore a day later, just as with a good workout.

  • Fast: You may begin noticing results after only your first one or two CoolTone treatments. Although each session only lasts about 30 minutes, you can achieve better results than a workout that may be twice as long.

  • Focused treatment: You can target problem areas with CoolTone that may not be achievable with regular exercise.

Although CoolTone has some advantages over conventional exercise, it should not be considered as a complete replacement for exercising. For example, CoolTone treatments cannot provide the same cardiovascular benefits as actual exercise. So if you are already exercising, stick with it so that you keep getting its health benefits. You can complement your regular exercise routine by undergoing CoolTone treatments for their aesthetic benefits.

What To Expect

No anesthesia is required for a CoolTone treatment session. Your provider will apply an applicator to transmit energy into the treated muscle tissue, stimulating muscle contractions. As your body adapts to the process, muscle tissue will be remodeled and developed, allowing you to achieve natural-looking contours without undergoing surgery.

A typical CoolTone session lasts around 40 minutes. The strength of the transmitted energy can be gradually increased as your treatment session progresses. As with regular exercise, more intense contractions lead to better results.

After your CoolTone treatment, you may experience some minor muscle soreness, just as you would after a vigorous workout. This mild discomfort should last no longer than a few days. This is a good sign that indicates that your body is responding appropriately to CoolTone, allowing you to reap the benefits of a more sculpted and toned body.

Cooltone Benefits
Caroline Warren