The Power of Botox

Power of Botox

Part of Botox's incredible appeal is its ability to instantly treat dynamic wrinkles. What are dynamic wrinkles? They are the ones that form due to underlying facial muscle contractions. Strong facial muscles, like those found on the forehead and between the eyebrows, can cause deep folds and furrows that can make you appear older than your actual age. But if you're looking for the best Botox in Chicago, you'll need some solid information to guide your choice.

What is Botox?

Botox is an injectable liquid containing the active ingredient of botulinum toxin – a safe substance that temporarily reduces the activity of treated facial muscles.

Advantages of Botox

There are quite a few anti-aging treatments available today, but chemical peels and dermabrasion cannot treat dynamic wrinkles since they work differently than Botox. Botox is able to relax those facial muscles, keeping dynamic wrinkles from forming in the first place. And Botox has an additional advantage: there is no downtime needed after treatment. Botox gives you amazing wrinkle reduction results in a very convenient way so that you can move on with your active lifestyle.

Is Botox right for everyone?

Almost anyone can have treatment with Botox. The product has been proven safe for most individuals, particularly anyone wanting to eliminate dynamic wrinkles. The optimal age range for a Botox recipient is someone between the ages of 18 and 70. If you are older, please consult with a dermatologist or plastic surgeon to make sure that your skin is elastic enough to respond appropriately to treatment.

What should I expect during a Botox treatment?

You will then receive up to eight injections into the treatment area. After receiving your injections, you will be asked to contract the treated muscles by making various facial expressions. This helps to ensure that the product is evenly distributed. But rest assured that Botox will remain in the treatment area, rather than moving systemically throughout your body.

Your Results

Now that you have seen for yourself how Botox can banish dynamic wrinkles, you will no doubt want your results to last for as long as possible. Here are a few tips:

  • If you want the best Botox in Chicago, select the right practitioner. Choose someone who is both reputable and experienced.

  • Wait at least one week before applying any type of cleansers, toners, scrubs, or masks after your injections. You want the Botox to settle in your face during this time.

  • Undergo regular Botox treatments. In several months, the effects of Botox will begin fading. Scheduling regular treatments keeps you from experiencing gaps in your results.

You should experience full results in a week or two. 

The Bottom Line

If you are treated with Botox early in the aging process, you will not only receive an amazing wrinkle reduction treatment, but you can prevent the development of new wrinkles. Botox works best on wrinkles that have not yet become moderate or severe. If you combine your new Botox regimen with proper skin care, healthy lifestyle, and regular use of sunscreen, you can keep current wrinkles from worsening and prevent the formation of new ones.

Caroline Warren